Monday 7 October 2013

Almost finished front cover

This is the now finished front cover, including the starburst

My finished Front cover has my Masthead saying 'PLANTBRK NEWS' and my Starburst just below. My Headline saying 'Result time' and then underneath this i have a Pull quote saying 'The best ever'. My House style is consistent being black, red and white making it recognizable to Plantsbrook with the school logo being these colours. I have a Banner at the bottom of the front cover pointing out some of the information that is going to be included. The Image takes us the whole page and is placed so as no text is covering either face. The Visual syntax for the front cover is flowing from the masthead down the left hand side the as they read the headline they will look down the right hand side down to the banner.

This is the almost fnished front cover, it doesnt yet have 

the starburst

basic front cover

this is the start of my front cover, with just the masthead and banner