. What Gender are you? (Circle one)
2. How old are you? (Tick one)
18 and Under
19 - 25
26 - 30
30 - 36
36 - 40
3. Which of the following applies to you? (tick one)
Group A (Professional - Upper middle class)
Group B (Managerial - Middle class
Group C1 (Non-manual - Lower middle class)
Group C2 (Manual - Upper working class)
Group D (Partly skilled - Semi or unskilled manual worker)
Group E (Unskilled casual workers - students)
4. What is your prefered genre of music? And then give an example of who you may want featured (Circle one)
Pop/Rock/Indie/Alternative/Punk/Country/Classical/R&B/Jazz/Metal/Electronic/Hip Hop/Other (specify _______)
So who would you like featured? ________________________________
5. In a music magazine, what kind of thing would you want included? (Tick three)
Exclusive interviews
Reviews - songs, albums, artists
Rumours about celebrities
Information about concerts and gigs
Events and festivals
New artists/Up and coming artists
Q and A from artists
Q and A from reader
Other? _______________________
6. What would be one main thing that makes you want to buy a music magazine? (Tick one)
Exclusive interviews
If it looks nice
If it attracts the eye
If it has had good reviews
Reviews - songs, albums, artists
Rumours about celebrities
Information about concerts and gigs
Events and festivals
New artists/Up and coming artists
Q and A from artists
Q and A from reader
Other? _______________________
7. How much are you prepared to pay for a music magazine?
£1.00 and under
£1.10 - £2.00
£2.00 - £2.50
£2.60 - £3.00
£3.00 and over
8. Would you take part in competitions? (circle one)
9. How often do you already buy magazines? (Tick one)
10. How often do you listen to music?
11. How do you prefer your contents page? (Tick one)
Photo dominated contents page

More text with more structure