Wednesday 25 September 2013

Conventions of a contents page

The layout is that it is set out in columns (Usually 2 or 3) It has one main image relating to a feature article, along with other smaller images. (These images often have page numbers which anchor to the written contents) At the top of the contents page it will often have the name of the magazine and always the word 'Contents' or 'Contents page' and the issue date. Subscription and contact information  and sometimes an Editors letter in the top left hand corner. A contents page is usually only 1 or 2 pages no more, with a simple colour scheme (usually the same as the front cover) The contents is often divided into categories and headings. which are used to identify each category. Photography is credited for the front cover, and there are varied and interesting photographs. At the bottom there is usually the page number, magazine title issue date and often web address. 

Font Types

Serif font -
Type Face/Traditional/Old-fashioned/Conservative/Formal
(These have Hooks, Brackets and Feet)

Sans Serif -font Modern/Contemporary/Informal/Youthful
(These do not have Hooks, Brackets or Feet

Media Key terms

Key Media terms;

Media Text?

Any constructed media product or piece of communication (such as television programmes and films)

Media Form?

A specific type of media a text is using to communicate (for example The Sun - A newspaper)

Media Language?

The media formats, symbols and narrative structures which cue the  audience to meaning. The code which is used within a particular median to convey a message

Media Audiences?

The receiver of the media text. Or the people who are intended to read, watch, play or listen to it

Media Representation?

The way in which the media ‘represents’ the world around us (this is not reality) in the form of signs and codes

Media Institutions?

A collection of individuals working together in hierarchy structure to achieve goals. They determine and constrain the ideology, structure, content and distribution of media texts


A detailed description of what you see


What you would associate with what you see

Quantitative data? 

Will allow you to provide clear data in the form of numbers and percentages etc.

Qualitative data? 

will give you thoughts, opinions and judgments that will offer you a chance to identify trends or patterns.

Masthead Ideas